The Brothers Balliett
Interactive Shakespeare
Julius Caesar, a dark story of a populist demagogue who is ousted
by his closest circle of political cronies, is one you get to play….
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
1 Rivington Street / 2nd Floor (Buzzer #1) / New York, NY
6:30pm (doors) / 7-9:00pm (event)
Tickets: $20 General / $10 Student
Wine reception to follow
Sponsored by Miro Cellars,
with special thanks to Mikhail Iliev.
“the versatile, eclectic Brothers Balliett”
There’s no better way to appreciate the power and majesty of Shakespeare’s great drama than by taking a part in the action — which is exactly what happens at The Brothers Balliett’s Interactive Shakespeare.
Metropolis Ensemble composer/performers Brad and Doug Balliett host a performance-party in which you, the attendees, take on the roles of Shakespeare’s immortal play Julius Caesar, reading parts with your fellow concert-goers alongside experienced Shakespearians, all set to live, newly-composed incidental music.
Aided by freely flowing wine and the charming guidance of The Brothers, audience members will rotate every scene, taking on different characters throughout the evening. Choose how much you wish to participate by taking on a large role or simply watching the action unfold.
The Brothers Balliett - twin brothers Brad and Doug - are performers and composers who also lecture together for Carnegie Hall and the Juilliard School, as well as hosting concerts and a radio show on Q2 Music. They have composed over a dozen works together, including two evening-length oratorios.