Quartet121 — Metropolis Ensemble


Quartet121 is Julia Jung Un Suh (violin), Molly Germer (violin), Lena Vidulich (viola), and Thea Mesirow (cello). Described as “a magnet for world premieres” (New York Music Daily), Quartet121 is passionate about working with emerging composers, promoting equity, and expanding its stylistic range to reach wider audiences. They have performed at venues throughout NYC such as Tenri Cultural Institute, Manhattan School of Music, Central Park Summerstage, and Brooklyn Steel, among others. Recently, they visited Columbia University and Manhattan School of Music to workshop music with young composers, and traveled to Alberta, Canada as part of the Banff Centre’s Evolution of the String Quartet summer festival. In 2020 they held their first Call for Scores and received submissions from countries around the world. The three pieces chosen as winners were recorded and released as an EP with accompanying video in summer ‘21. Quartet121 is supported by the Alice M. Ditson Fund and Chamber Music America’s Ensemble Forward Grant. As part of New Music on the Point’s alumni grant program, they were selected to curate a concert in NYC in spring ‘22.



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