Flame Keepers 123: Emiliano Lopez — Metropolis Ensemble

Flame Keepers

Emiliano Lopez

April 8th, 2024

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About the Artist

Emiliano López (Ciudad de México, 1994) es un guitarrista y artista de noise mexicano radicado en Boston. Se graduó en la carrera de Improvisación Contemporánea en New England Conservatory. Su música combina sonidos electrónicos con el uso de objetos y esculturas sonoras- creando un puente entre la instalación, el performance y la música. Ha presentado su música en diversos espacios de Boston, como el Jordan Hall, The Lilypad, The Firehouse, SomArt Space y la serie de conciertos Find Out, entre otros. También, se ha presentado en espacios de la Ciudad de México como el Centro Multimedia del Centro Nacional de las Artes, el Centro Cultural Árbol que Nace Torcido y el Vernacular Institute.

Emiliano López (Mexico City, 1994) is a Mexican guitarist and noise artist from currently based in Boston. He graduated with a degree in Contemporary Improvisation from the New England Conservatory. His music combines electronic sounds with the use of objects—sound sculptures—creating a fusion that bridges visual installation, performance art, and music. He has presented his music at various venues in the Boston area, including Jordan Hall, The Lilypad, The Firehouse, SomArt Space, and the concert series Find Out, among others. He has also performed at venues in Mexico City such as the Centro Multimedia del Centro Nacional de las Artes, Árbol que Nace Torcido, and Vernacular Institute.


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