Flame Keepers 33: Juraj Kojš — Metropolis Ensemble

Flame Keepers

Juraj Kojš

September 27, 2021

Travel back in time to experience any Flame Keeper's work. The most recent artists are at the bottom of this page.

About the Artist

My name is Juraj Kojš, and I am an artphibian artist from Slovakia and USA, exploring the fields of music, sound art, theater, poetry, mixed media, multimedia, bioacoustics and technologies as a maker and performer. Collaborating with artists and scientists, producing other people’s works, doing scholarly research and teaching also give me joy, as does living in Miami, FL. Miami New Times described my muscle-powered multimedia Neraissance as "striking and unforgettable," MiamiArtzine called Signals "enthralling and immersive," and Miami Herald praised Bang for the Train as "the most profound…unexpected and enjoyable.” More »


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