Flame Keepers 52: Eli Greenhoe — Metropolis Ensemble

Flame Keepers

Eli Greenhoe

February 7, 2022

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About the Artist

Eli Greenhoe (b. 1994) is a composer, songwriter, and guitarist hailing from Brooklyn, New York. His works have been commissioned and performed by such artists and ensembles as loadbang, Bergamot Quartet, Aki Takahashi, S.E.M. Ensemble, and George Manahan, among others. His music has been programmed at the Bang on a Can, Chatter, Yellow Barn, Ostrava Days (CZ), and Tokyo to New York (JP) festivals. In 2018 he was awarded a Charles Ives Scholarship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Recently, he was selected as a finalist in the Beth Morrison Projects “Next Generation” program. As a performer, Greenhoe has led bands in New York City and elsewhere nearly his entire life. Currently he performs as a solo artist, as well as with his duo Airborne Charlie (with Hans Bilger), and his cabaret act Bergman & Bloustein (with Natasha Thweatt). He is also active in interdisciplinary collaboration: his film music has been featured in Vogue Magazine and the 2020 Maryland Film Festival. Greenhoe is currently a doctoral candidate at the Yale School of Music, where he completed his M.M. in 2018. More »


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