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About the Artist
Guido Kohn works with the sonic possibilities between instrument, preparations, digitallity and analogue effects. Raised in Buenos Aires, now based in Berlin, he considers himself an “expanded strings player”: classical education as a cellist first, later developed a fixation on the electric bass, eventually started playing electronic devices and no-input pedals. His performances are usually centered on improvisation, with experimental and noise aesthetics. He presents himself either solo or in diverse constellations, both stable (“El Segundo Es Terrible”, duet with Sofia Salvo, the trio with Edith Steyer and Samuel Hall, “Müller’s Revenge” with Dr. Nexus, Marcello Busato Utku Tavil, Isabel Rösler and Antti Virtaranta, as examples) and also inedit formations. As well, he is half of the LatinElectroPunk group Las Migrañas.