Flame Keepers 108: El Piyi — Metropolis Ensemble

Flame Keepers

El Piyi

December 11th, 2023

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About the Artist

Leonardo Piaggio (apodado El Piyi) es un cantante y artista sonoro. Co-fundador del sello Isla Visión y ha estado / está en diversos proyectos musicales. Su búsqueda estética se basa en lo-fi y grabaciones caseras (porta estudios o computadora) explorando géneros como Electrónica, Ambient y Noise.

Leonardo Piaggio (El Piyi) is a singer and sound artist. He has been part of diverse musical projects and is the co-founder of the label Isla Visión. His aesthetic world is based in lo-fi and homemade recordings, exploring genres such as electronica, ambient, and noise.


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